Your Pillowcases Could Be Giving You ACNE


Throughout the day our skin produces oil, we are exposed to environmental factors like pollution, dust, wind, dirt that end up on our skin. These factors, especially in conjunction with cosmetics, can result in clogged, congested skin and breakouts.

It’s important to wash your face at night. I recommend a double cleanse, always. The first to remove surface impurities & any makeup and the second to provide that deep cleanse that will leave skin smooth & fresh.

Changing pillowcases & washing linens often can improve your skin. Many of us sleep on our sides or stomachs, not realizing we are face down in our pillows. Even night time products intended to benefit the skin can get left behind on our sheets, causing a less than sterile environment for bacteria to breed.

Keep your skin clear! Double cleanse & wash those sheets and pillowcases often.

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