omegas for healthy skin


It was first recommended to me by my eye doctor to take this essential  fatty acid supplement due to the often harsh smog experienced here in Los Angeles. I almost laughed when he said I had an “urban allergy” to to our air quality but continual dry eye and itchiness affecting my ability to wear contacts and overall ability to see, I decided to listen up (as well as do some research of my own).

Learning that this supplement is not only great for hydrating my eyes, but offers a variety of other major benefits, as well. As an esthetician with a client base largely interested in corrective treatments, I feel it’s my responsibilty to share with my clients and anyone that wants to listen 😉 everything I learn about promoting health and wellness from the inside out.

So what’s this I say about Omega 3?

Omega 3s are such an important part of the skin’s lipid (fat) content. They help support the skin’s barrier function as well as natural inflammatory responses, which when functioning optimally, act like a seal that keeps moisture in & irritants out. Our body doesn’t make its own omega 3 so it’s important we obtain it in diet & supplement.

When we don’t have enough omega 3s our skin is compromised. When our skin isn’t hanging on to moisture it results in dry and dehydrated skin that not only feels rough, but is also more prone to irritation and inflammation. This often leads to acne, can contribute to rosacea, as well as heightens the appearance of aging.

Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids reduce the body’s production of inflammatory compounds; the natural chemicals involved in the aging process, that affect how healthy the skin looks and feels. Omega 3s also helps support your skin’s structure, reducing the appearance of fine lines. The best sources of omega 3s are in these fish: salmon, tuna, mackerel, halibut, lake trout, herring & sardines. Fish oils, like cod liver oil, as well as some nut & seeds and nut and seed oils are also good sources.

Fatty acids act as natural moisturizers that can revitalize dry skin from the inside out and are also proven in reducing acne, which is an inflammatory skin condition.

When our skin is properly hydrated there is a less likely occurrence of breakouts because the natural desquamation process in our skin is able to work optimally.

Researchers did a study in women that began taking Omega 3 and the study showed an increase in skin hydration by 39% after 12 weeks! Participants also noticed more supple texture and much less skin sensitivity.

There are so many reasons to add an Omega 3 supplement to your diet!

I recommend Nordic Naturals Arctic-D, a GREAT source of omega 3s and vitamin D3.